Judge Xero replied

626 weeks ago

Dated Walnut Mask (if it's an available synth) (Walnut Lumber)
Electrum Circlet (Electrum Ingot + whatever stone)
Dated Mythril Choker (Mythril Ingot + Mythril Nugget)
Raptorskin Choker (Raptor Leather + Raptor Sinew) or Electrum Gorget
Electrum Ring (Electrum Ingot)
Coral Armillae (2X Red Coral)
Electrum Earrings (Electrum Ingot)

Oak Pattens (Oak Lumber + Undyed Woolen Cloth + Boar Leather)
Mahogany Pattens (Mahogany Lumber + Undyed Felt + Boar Leather)
Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves (2x Raptor Leather + Boar Leather + Cobalt Rivvets)
Felt Chausses (2X Undyed Felt + Undyed Woolen Cloth + Woolen Yarn)
Dated Tarred Voyagers Belt
Raptorskin Satchel Belt (Raptor Leather + Woolen Yarn + Electrum Ingot)
Felt Gown (2X Undyed Felt + Undyed Woolen Cloth + Woolen Yarn)
Woolen Gown (2X Undyed Woolen Cloth + Undyed Linen + Woolen Yarn)

Common Ingredients

Electrum Ingot
Raptor Leather
Raptor Sinew
Boar Leather
Undyed Woolen Cloth
Undyed Felt
Woolen Yarn

Matts for ingredients
Electrum Ore
Raptor Skin + Alumen
Raptor Sinew (Drops from Raptors)
Boar Hide + Alumen
Karakul Fleece (Karakul Skin)
Fleece (Sheepskin)
Surble Tufts

Make sure to do the X3 Recipe to get the most out of your mats

last edited 626 weeks ago by Judge Xero
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